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Begin Again

7 October 2024

"The beginning is the most important part of the work"


Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year was last week. It's a wonderful time of spiritual renewal. I had my own sort of new beginning, as we just sold the house we've lived in for the past twenty years (the longest I've ever lived anywhere!) and moved to a condo twenty minutes north. I'm hoping that less house to manage will mean more time to share the Green Bites message, connect with clients and change lives!

If you know someone in Northern Westchester who could benefit from a plant based cooking class and meal prep session, please give them my info!

The High Holy Days are a time to reflect on where we’ve been and envision where we want to go. Plato reminds us that beginnings are critical—whether we’re starting a new project, journey, or phase of life. And yet, we often hesitate when it comes to making changes. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of making lifestyle changes. We tell ourselves, “I’ll start next Monday,” or “Once the holidays are over, I’ll get serious about it.” But every day we delay is another opportunity missed.

I have wanted to work on strength training for a while now, so I dove into the Gravity Transformation challenge, even though I knew the timing was not great. As it happens, the workouts ended up providing stability through the turmoil of the move, and accountability led to weight loss at a time when there might have otherwise been gain.

Rosh Hashanah: A Reminder of Fresh Starts

Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish year, is a celebration of new beginnings. It’s a time to take stock, to think about our choices, and to set intentions for the year ahead. While this holiday offers a special moment to reset, the truth is, we don’t need to wait for a specific date - or a perfect day - to begin. Every day can be a fresh start if we choose to see it that way.

Whether you’re looking to eat more vegetables, embrace plant-based meals, or simply lead a more mindful life, the best time to begin is now. The beginning, as Plato reminds us, isn’t just the first step; it’s often the hardest. But once we take that leap, momentum builds, and before we know it, we’re making progress.

The Myth of the Perfect Time

Many of us are trapped in the myth of the "perfect time" to start something new. We wait for our schedules to clear up or for the weather to change. We look for ideal circumstances that never quite arrive. What we need to realize is that life will always be busy, messy, and unpredictable.

The key is to embrace the imperfect and just start. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. You don’t need to overhaul your entire lifestyle in one day. Start small. Add one plant-based meal to your week. Take a 10-minute walk every morning. These small changes are the seeds of bigger transformations, and Rosh Hashanah is a perfect reminder that beginnings, no matter how modest, are the most important part of the journey.

Making Changes Stick

When it comes to making lifestyle changes, success doesn’t come from perfection—it comes from consistency. Setbacks are inevitable, and that’s okay. The important thing is to keep moving forward, even if it’s just one step at a time.

This year, as we reflect on our past and set goals for the future, let’s embrace the wisdom of Plato. Let’s remember that beginnings are not just important…they’re essential. And the best way to start is simply to begin.

Every day offers a new chance to create the life you want—why not start today?

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