Buy Nothing | Be A Conscious Consumer

20 November

I’m so sick of hearing about Black Friday! It may have started quietly in 1951, but I bet nobody could have predicted the consumer craze it has become. I’d like to call your attention to another holiday happening this Friday: Buy Nothing Day.

The first Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada in 1992 “as a day for society to examine the issue of overconsumption” (if we had really examined it 30 years ago and taken action, we might not be in the predicament we have now).  What better day to do that than the busiest shopping day of the year?

Buy Nothing Day might mean just avoiding the shopping mall or it could be a coat exchange, like they do in Rhode Island. Adbusters (the Canadian non-profit that started it all) has a bunch of suggestions.  If you’re not yet a member of a local Buy Nothing group (on facebook or in the app), it would be a great day to check that out. This "sharing economy" has the double benefit of reducing our impact on the planet and bringing us closer to our neighbors.

If you do have shopping to do, why not wait until after the Friday rush? Small Business Saturday is coming, and I promise the crowds will be more calm. I received this great post from the Zero Waste Store about conscious consumerism:

Try these simple ways to make mindful purchases that align with your values.

The way I spend my money makes an impact; what impact do I want to have?

We’re lucky that we have Thanksgiving to think about all the things we are grateful for. It’s a great reminder to be more conscious about what we do and don’t need. I love that REI has committed to closing its stores every Black Friday to encourage everyone - including its employees - to #optoutside.  On Friday, you’ll find me hiking the local trails and doing a virtual cooking class with my bestie across the country!

In 1929, Black Thursday was the start of the depression.  In 1987, Black Monday marked the stock market crash. I think we need a new color. I suggest GREEN!

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