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Reverse Aging With One Tasty Change

12 August 2024

A new study revealed a way to increase the lifespan of mice by more than 20 percent!

Mice live longer when inflammation-boosting protein is blocked

The average American lives to be 76, so that would be an extra 15 years for us. What could you do with an extra decade and a half [assuming you retain both your physical and mental health]?

In the study, researchers injected mice with an antibody that turns off interleukin-11, a protein that aids development in early rodent life but contributes to inflammation later on. Not only were the injected mice leaner and fitter, they were also less likely to develop cancer and they lived for several months longer.

Studies have not been done on humans yet, and we know that the research doesn't always translate. There could (most likely will) be side effects and it may not even have the same benefits as in mice. But, never fear, because we do already have an effective tool in preventing inflammation with no negative side effects: a whole foods plant based diet.

Why do we keep trying to find a shot, pill or potion - or even a single food - that keeps us young when we already know what ages us beyond our years? It's not as if choosing a plant based eating pattern can't be yummy and physical activity has to be painful…quite the opposite! I'm no expert on fitness, but I know how to make delicious food that's healthy too (although there's no denying the appeal of a chocolate chip cookie!) and it's not that difficult.

Be realistic. Some people have a hard time at first. When you're used to mainly ultra processed foods that are unnaturally high in salt, sugar and/or fat, the switch to whole foods plant based can be a shock to the taste buds. Know yourself.  Are you a cold turkey (pardon the pun) sort of person or more likely to succeed with a gradual taper? Is it all-or-none for you, or [like most humans] is “close” good enough?

All personalization aside (if you want to discuss specifics of your own situation, contact me directly), here are my top tips for transitioning to a more plant based anti-aging eating pattern:

Start by crowding in the veggies. Getting more veggies on your plate means less room for animal foods. Veggies add a pop of color to any meal, before you even consider the plethora of nutrients and fiber they provide. I began my plant based journey by having meat less frequently and in smaller portions (saves money too!).

Consider meals you already eat that don't contain meat or dairy. Then, be sure to include them in your regular rotation. Think pasta primavera, a veggie hummus wrap, oatmeal (made with water), three bean chili or peanut butter and jelly.

Move on to meals that can easily be converted. Beef bolognese is equally yummy when made with lentils. Cooked slowly with barbecue sauce, jackfruit tastes very similar to pulled pork. The versatile taco can be re-invented with black beans, tofu or mushrooms.

Limit refined sugar. While I'm a fan of  the everything-in-moderation philosophy, we can't ignore the fact that too much sugar is scientifically proven to age us at the cellular level. Try to get your sweet from whole foods, like strawberries, watermelon, mango. Even dates - which literally taste like sugar - have been shown to have a smaller impact on blood sugar than the processed stuff.

Try a new recipe each week (or just once in a while), and don't give up. Not every new food will taste more-ish immediately. Sometimes you may need to get used to it, and sometimes it's just not for you (in that instance, take it out of the rotation - no time for eating food you don't like!). I guarantee you will find some new favorites.

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